Caption: Guard tower at Tule Lake Internment Camp.
Date: 1943
Historical Events: One Sacramento area Japanese-American man's reflection about his imprisonment during World War II expresses the experiences of many: "I lost all my property that I had worked on for 20 years. From nothing but a hayfield I had developed vineyards and strawberry fields. After Pearl Harbor, they told us to evacuate. We left Sacramento, boarded a train south. We were kept in a horse stall on the fairgounds in the Fresno Assembly Center, then shipped by train to Arkansas, where we were surrounded by barbed wire, sentry posts, machine guns. The government said that this was to protect us, but the machine guns were pointed in. The guns pointed right at me."
Ethnic Group: Japanese
Place: Tule Lake Internment Camp
Events: Internment during World War II
Names/Biographical Data: n.a.
Key Words: Japanese, pressure, discrimination
Image Number: 530
Objects/Items of Note: Guard tower at Tule Lake Internment Camp
Image Credit: SMHD, Walerga Oral History Project Collection